About us & How to apply
"Helping children with cancer up to the age of 16"
After losing Alfie it’s been tough, really tough. We know we can’t bring Alfie back, but over the years we have seen what a positive impact Alfie and his story has had on others. It is this impact that has inspired us to set up ‘Alfie’s Wish’ (registered charity 1191020) to continue his incredible legacy and help other children fighting cancer in the UK.
Following Alfie's diagnosis in 2015 we knew we had to make the most of every single day together as a family as we didn't know what the future held for our little hero. We made so many memories over the 5 years going to incredible places which was thanks to our amazing family, friends and also different charities. Having these memories to look back on will always help us smile even when we feel sad and this is why we want to give other families (like us) memories they can smile about too.
We know just how important it is to make memories when your child is fighting cancer, how special family time is so we want to help others. We also know the financial impact that cancer has on a family so funding days out often become impossible. Whether it’s a theme park, zoo, museum, sporting or music event to name but a few our aim is to get children there to make their dreams come true.
Who can apply for a day out / experience?
We support children with cancer up to the age of 16, based in the South of England, by arranging special and memorable experiences.
​We accept referrals for children with cancer, palliative care or within the first 6 months of remission at Southampton Children’s Hospital, Great Ormond Street Hospital, The Royal Marsden or University College London Hospital.
We provide tickets for a day out or experience within the UK for the child with cancer and their immediate family. Please note we only accept ONE application per child and DO NOT cover travel.
​To apply please ask your Young Lives vs Cancer social worker to email admin@alfieswish.org.uk to request an application form.